Magazine Collage, Oil & Arcylic on Canvas.
"Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I've ever known."
-Chuck Palahniuk
I bring you a collage of other peoples words. Words that I cut from context and glued to this canvas to collide, cover, compromise and create one another. I will kiss you with random words like poetry on our lips. An imagery of secrets created once to be destroyed again. A combination of everyone else's words layered on my lips for you to misunderstand. Every before word changed by every word to come after.
The parts of this piece create the whole. Below are snapshots of words colliding to bring you pleasurable infatuation in a fleeting moment. Stand far away from the piece and you might not realize what it is you missed. It is simply a kiss. The romantic notion of lipstick that a woman has left behind or given away to someone worthy. But behind each kiss there is so much more. So much unsaid or once spoken but now covered up by old lies of new truths. Too much history to even comprehend from across the room. And up close, you may never be able to understand these words or the words they have covered up. The phrases they have created or the moments they have destroyed. Yet every destruction brings a new discovery. A new moment to cherish or despise. Promise these words nothing. For you will fall and then forget as you lose yourself in yet another combination of other peoples words. I am creating you as they created me. Don't fall in love with moments, I will tell you. But I am sure that you'll forget.